College basketball coaching changes tracker 2023: West Virginia, Texas, Syracuse, St. John’s top list of hires

Out: Mike Brennan | In: Duane Simpkins
Brennan lasted a decade at American, but only made the NCAAs in his first season there. Simpkins get plucked locally, after having served the past two seasons on Kim English’s staff at George Mason. He played at Maryland and is from the area. Logical hire.

Out: Mike Balado | In: Bryan Hodgson
The Wolves were coached by Balado for six years and fired him after his buyout dropped in mid-March. The program last made the NCAAs in 1999. As expected, Hodgson, an Alabama assistant, was the pick. Expectations have spiked in Jonesboro.

Out: Jimmy Allen | In: Kevin Kuwik
The Black Knights played seven years…..

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